
Genealogy links

France - Alsace - Lorraine - Switzerland - Germany

World - History - Geography

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Certains liens sont des sites généraux et d'autres spécifiquement pour les recherches juives

Several links are general websites, others are specific for Jewish research

חלק מהלינקים הם כלליים, אחרים ספציפיים לחיפוסים יהודיים 


GenAmi, Association de Genealogie Juive Internationale - French and English  
Annuaire genea francais - Rechercher un site 
CHAN Centre historique des Archives nationales ParisCentre historique des archives nationales Paris - French 
Geneabank - names search - French and English, not Jewish 
Geneactes, les releves genealogiques gratuits - French and English, not Jewish 
Genealogy and history in France - assistance service will allow you to know better your needs and have a precise idea of cost for genealogical research.  
GENEALOGY FRANCE recherches sur la genealogie, l'histoire des noms de famille 
GeneaNet - try to make the power of the Internet available to users by setting up a universal register of all the world's genealogical resources, whether Net-based or not, and whether free or fee-paying. In English and other languages. 
Migranet -Emigration des francais 
Non jewish French genealogy site in French, worth a name search: on the left click on "Nos services dans votre departement." 
Not jewish and in French but one can sometimes find some jewish names in their "Recherches" part second on the left at the top of the page. 
The addresses list of all the French departments archives. In French 
Your gateway to French-American and French-Canadian Genealogy, in French or English. Not Jewish but worth a visit. 


Denombrement - A must for Alsacian Jewish Genealogy. Click in the middle of the page on "Menu de consultation" and try all the links. To search for a name in a specific village click on "Consultation par ville" and write the village's name. If you have only the name click on "Recherche patronymique". 
CDHF - Not Jewish but this is the biggest and best archives site for Alsace Jewish genealogy - in French 
JewishGen Shtetlink for Rixheim, in French and English. 
JewishGen Shtetlink page for Buschwiller, in French and English. 
JewishGen Shtetlink site for Dornach. 
JewishGen Shtetlink to Bollwiller - French and English. 
Short history of the Jews in Alsace, in French. 
Strasbourg Jewish Community - French or English 
AlsaceGenWeb - Not specifically jewish but helpful and has lots of links to history and other. 
Alsacian search engine in French - down the page there is a link in "vie pratique" to genealogy and history. 
Archives departementales du Bas-Rhin - in French, English or German. Go on the left on "Methode" and click on "Liens vers associations... etc." 
Durmenach, an alsacian village - in French but with a link to the jewish past, at the top third from the right. 
The Alsace Genealogy Circle - in English or French 
Verdammi - The Alsatian dialect on the web. In French with a beginning in English. 
German Genealogy: Alsace / Elsass History 


Cercle Genealogique du Lunevillois 
France GenWeb - Lorraine 


The Jewish community of Switzerland
Swiss Jewish community contacts
Judaism in Switzerland
Judische Gemeinden - Ein uberblick - Schweiz 
Judische Rundschau 
Jewish virtual library Switzerland
Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities - in French, English or German. 


Alemannia Judaica - Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Erforschung der juedischen Geschichte 
Die judischen Rheindahlener Familien 
Emigration from Westphalia (Germany) to the United States since 
Historische Adressbuecher - Eine Datenbank des Vereins fuer Computergenealogie 
Jewish Families of Frankfurt am Main-Surnames 
Juden in Deutschland - links - in German 
Juden in Mutterstadt 
Judentum in several German cities 
Judische Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller in Westfalen | Galerie 
Juedische Friedhoefe in der region Baden-Wurttemberg 
List of Jewish victims from Rheindalen 
SPUREN FINDEN - Erinnern und Gedenken an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus im Muensterland 
Ahnenforschung. Familienforschung. Genealogie. Ahnenforschung.Net - Das deutsche genealogische Webverzeichnis 
Cyndi's List - Germany - Deutschland 
Der deutsche Genealogieserver - 
Index of German-Polish and Polish-German names of the localities in Poland & Russia. ATS notes. 


Cyndi's List - Jewish - English 
Jewish Encyclopedia - English 
Juden in Osterreich - links - in German 
Louis Kessler's Jewish Genealogy Links - English 
The Jewish Genealogy link page -English 
Toldot - Generations - The Basics of the JewishGen web site in 10 steps 
A.G.I. Europe genealogy links - French and English 
Federation of East European Family History Societies in English 
GEDLINK - The world history club - Francais, English, Deutsch, Espanol 
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild 
USGenWeb Archives Search Engine 


Annuaire Web - Liste de sites genealogiques 
Internet Jewish History Sourcebook 
Jewish Culture and History 
TOLDOT - Jewish Family History Publishers 
Yahoo! Directory of Jewish History links 
HEBREUNET - Le site de la langue hebraique 
Histoire du monde - iCourses 
History Today - 
La guerre franco-allemande de 1870 


Atlas Historique - French 
Countries international codes 
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection 
Historical Atlas of the 20th Century -- Links to other history maps 
More World Maps 
PCL Map Collection 
Periodical historical atlas of Europe Maps 
Welcome To MapQuest! 
Welcome to multimap 

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