Ancestors of Davia Ruth ROUDA
/-Samuel J. ROUDA
/-Harry David ROUDA
/-Ronald Harry ROUDA
| | /-Samuel KLEIN
| | /-Auguste KLEIN
| | | \-Rachel EISENMANN
| | /-Samuel KLEIN
| | | \-Rosella GOETZ
| | /-Ernest KLEIN
| | | | /-Theophile WEILL
| | | \-Pauline WEILL
| | | \-Reine KAIN
| \-Marguerite Beatrice KLEIN
| | /-Mosche DREYFUS
| | /-Jacob DREYFUS
| | /-Abraham DREYFUS
| | | \-Beyelen Hayim HEYMANN
| | /-Heyman Henry DREYFUS
| | | \-Mintelen Hintel Anne Jeanne Gremnitz? KRIMNETZ?
| | /-Abraham DREYFUS
| | | | /-Samuel BLOCH
| | | \-Eve Antoinette Adele BLOCH
| | | \-Helga NETTER
| \-Hedwige DREYFUS
| | /-Seligmann BLOCH
| \-Marie BLOCH
| \-Rosalie MECH
Davia Ruth ROUDA
| /-Elmer SPEER
\-Marilyn Sue SPEER
\-Virginia Maybell SPEER?
Descendants of Davia Ruth ROUDA
1 Davia Ruth ROUDA
=Brian SKINNER Marriage: Private
2 Brianna Ginnelle SKINNER