Jane Marie GHITMAN

Ancestors of Jane Marie GHITMAN

            /-Harris GHITMAN
     /-Bernard GHITMAN
     |      \-Estelle GHITMAN
Jane Marie GHITMAN
     |                    /-Jacques WEILL
     |             /-Abraham WEILL
     |             |      \-Rebeca WAHL
     |      /-Edouard WEILL
     |      |      |      /-Edouard SOMMER
     |      |      \-Lina SOMMER
     |      |             \-Judith Julie DREYFUS
     \-Claude Joan Marie Marthe WEILL
            |                           /-Joseph CERF
            |                    /-Wolf CERF
            |                    |      |      /-Moyses Koschel ?
            |                    |      \-Breinele KOSCHEL
            |                    |             \-Fradel Levy ?
            |             /-Seligmann CERF
            |             |      |             /-Seeligmann FRANCK
            |             |      |      /-Joseph FRANCK
            |             |      |      |      \- JOEDLINE
            |             |      \-Sara Keile FRANCK
            |             |             \-Rebeque Bune LEVY
            |      /-Arthur CERF
            |      |      |                    /-Salomon WOOG
            |      |      |             /-Samuel WOOG
            |      |      |      /-Raphael Falu WOOG
            |      |      |      |      \-Elisabeth BAYER-BLOCH
            |      |      \-Elisabeth Ella Babette WOOG
            |      |             |      /-Gershon WOOG
            |      |             \-Rachel Rosalie Chaja WOOG
            |      |                    \-Ellen Elisa WOOG
            \-Sylvia Alice CERF
                   |                                  /-Mosche DREYFUS
                   |                           /-Jacob DREYFUS
                   |                    /-Abraham DREYFUS
                   |                    |      \-Beyelen Hayim HEYMANN
                   |             /-Heyman Henry DREYFUS
                   |             |      \-Mintelen Hintel Anne Jeanne Gremnitz? KRIMNETZ?
                   |      /-Abraham DREYFUS
                   |      |      |      /-Samuel BLOCH
                   |      |      \-Eve Antoinette Adele BLOCH
                   |      |             \-Helga NETTER
                   \-Berthe DREYFUS
                          |      /-Seligmann BLOCH
                          \-Marie BLOCH
                                 \-Rosalie MECH

Descendants of Jane Marie GHITMAN

1 Jane Marie GHITMAN
  =Adam Bard BURROWS  Marriage: Private
     2 Sophie Puck BURROWS
     2 Luke Amos BURROWS

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