Claudette FRANCK

Ancestors of Claudette FRANCK

     /-Georges FRANCK
Claudette FRANCK
     |             /-Emmanuel WAHL
     |      /-Paul WAHL
     |      |      |      /-Edouard SOMMER
     |      |      \-Valerie SOMMER
     |      |             \-Judith Julie DREYFUS
     \-Denise (Valerie) WAHL
            \-Blanche KATZ

Descendants of Claudette FRANCK

1 Claudette FRANCK
  =Jacques ELGRISHI  Marriage: Private
     2 Corine ELGRISHI
     2 Sandrine ELGRISHI
       =Philippe SITBON  Marriage: Private
          3 Tania SITBON
          3 Lea SITBON

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