Timothy CONE

Ancestors of Timothy CONE

     /-Terry CONE
Timothy CONE
     |      /-André CAHEN
     \-Michele CAHEN
            |                                                /- GOLDSCHMIDT
            |                                         /-Reuben GOLDSCHMIDT
            |                                  /-Elias GOLDSCHMIDT
            |                           /-Abraham GOLDSCHMIDT
            |                           |      |             /-Leser? WALLACH
            |                           |      |      /-Jacob WALLACH
            |                           |      \-Beyele WALLACH
            |                           |             \-Jekel BATTEGAY?
            |                    /-Samuel GOLDSCHMIDT
            |                    |      \-Veronique BRUNSCHWIG
            |             /-Elie GOLDSCHMIDT
            |             |      \-Brigitte HAAS
            |      /-Jean GOLDSCHMIDT
            |      |      \-Berthe LANG
            \-Jane GOLDSCHMIDT
                   \-Alice Gerson ISRAEL

Descendants of Timothy CONE

1 Timothy CONE
  =? ARMAND  Marriage: Private

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