Martine BLUM

Ancestors of Martine BLUM

                          /-David BLUM
                   /-Leon BLUM
                   |      |      /-Samuel ADLER
                   |      \-Rosalie ADLER
                   |             \-Adele FRANCK
            /-Georges BLUM
            |      \-Emilie GINTZBURGER
     /-John BLUM
     |      |             /-Jacques WEILL
     |      |      /-Abraham WEILL
     |      |      |      \-Rebeca WAHL
     |      \-Alice WEILL
     |             |      /-Edouard SOMMER
     |             \-Lina SOMMER
     |                    \-Judith Julie DREYFUS
Martine BLUM
     \-Therese ?

Descendants of Martine BLUM

1 Martine BLUM
  =Pierre-Marie HASSE  Marriage: Private
     2 Marie HASSE

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