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Grussenheim in the Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France

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Most of the links are in French but some have a translated page in English.

Grussenheim -  France - Alsace - departement 68  Haut-Rhin, arrondissement of Colmar, canton de Andolsheim.

Grussenheim is a very old village north of Colmar. It's name was "Grosinhaim" in 736 and it changed a lot till the 14th century when it definitely became Grussenheim. It was the stronghold of the Rathsamhausen lords until the revolution.

The population was not large in the 16th century but increased a lot between the 17th and the 19th centuries with the arrival of numerous Jewish families. The 1866 Census counts a total population of 1154 inhabitants of which 352 were Jewish and at the beginning of the 20th century even more than a third were Jewish.

The Jewish Community buit a synagogue in 1850, a jewish school in 1869 and a cemetary in 1810 at a place called "Jedenweid".

In June 1940, the Jewish Community of Grussenheim completely disappeard and the synagogue was destroyed by the Germans. During this second world war the village was a strategic point in the battles that took place in the Colmar region.

Page about Grussenheim - Part of the site "Judaisme Alsacien" with it's site search engine

La vie Juive en Alsace  -  "Jewish life in Alsace" from the memories of my step-father Fernand (Nenand) GOLDSCHMIDT. It's in French for now but I'll translate it into English as soon as I can.

Histoire des Juifs d'Alsace -  For those who want to read in French a little summary about the history of the Jews in Alsace, written by the Grand Rabbin Max Warschawski.

Sites juifs d Alsace - Villages in  Alsace, Haut-Rhin

Petites annonces - Query board where you can find and write queries about Alsatian genealogy research.

CDHF - Centre Departemental d'Histoire des Familles of Guebwiller (Departement Centre of Famillies History in Guebwiller), there you can find all the archives of Alsace, search online etc. but it is in French.

Books about Alsace :

1) "Le denombrement general des Juifs toleres en la province d'Alsace en 1784" a census of all Jews allowed to live in Alsace in 1784.

2) "Juifs en Alsace - culture, societe et histoire", by Freddy Raphael and Robert Weyl. "The Jews in Alsace", their art, lives and history.

3) "Bergha, bulletin d'etudes et de recherches genealogiques en Haute-Alsace".  CDHF's publication, 4 each year.
For information write to:
CDHF, Centre Departemental d'histoire des Familles
5 place Saint Leger , 68500 Guebwiller

4) "Histoire Juive, de la renaissance a nos jours"  by Renee Neher-Bernheim. History of the Jews all over the world including Alsace from the 16th to the 20th century.

5) "La Double Demeure" d'Albert A. Neher - for those who want to read some marvelous stories about the Jewish life in Alsace.

6) Hyman, Paula E.  "The emancipation of the Jews of Alsace".  Yale
University Press, New Haven, CT, 1991, ISBN 0-300-04986-2.

7) Caron, Vicki.  "Between France and Germany; the Jews of Alsace-Lorraine,
1871-1918".  Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, CA, 1988.  ISBN

8) Szajkowski, Zosa.  "The economic status of the Jews in Alsace, Metz and
Lorraine, 1648-1789". Editions Historiques Franco-Juives, New York, NY, 1954.

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