That’s the story
Of our history
On the net virtual
Still not yet visual
Who would believe
We could receive
So much indeed
Of what we need

Life can be strange
In fairy's range
All I will say
It made my day
Could really be
That I love thee
And we will see
If you love me

So when we meet
At each other’s feet
It will be a sight
But that’s all right
We’ll see right then
If we need men
At all that much
For fun and such

Love between sisters
And love other kind
It’s only a matter
Of taste and mind
Let’s wait and see
Just you and me
That’s all the fun
Here under the sun

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Mon plaisir à moi est d'enfermer des mots dans la mesure d'un vers...  (Horace)

Quel est le vôtre?