Of course I am a genius
Writing poetry en plus
It's absolutely right to say
You make me work all day

Yes dear you are my muse
And thanks to you I use
My mind to write ein sof
Till it will blow off

If it was not for you
There'd be nothing I could do
But I can write things all kind
When you are on my mind

Thinking of you will trigger it
And without delay I'm fit
To write lots more than just a verse
Rhymes come flowing effortless

So you should have the credit
Whether or not you like it
And what's more I'll pay this debt
The moment we meet again, you bet!

I hope you don't object
To kisses, and won't reject
Them 'cause next time we meet
You'll be kissed from head to... feet

If you consider it unfit
Don't blame me, blame fate for it
Which is the culprit in this affair
It can't be changed, it's here to stay!

Of course I am a genius
There's nothing to discuss
And so it will remain
As it sure is no strain

Yes dear you are my muse
And thanks to you I use
My mind to write ein sof
Till it really will blow off

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Mon plaisir à moi est d'enfermer des mots dans la mesure d'un vers...  (Horace)

Quel est le vôtre?
