ZAKINE-CERFZakine-Cerf Family

Welcome to our family website, I hope you will enjoy your visit. Here you will find family genealogy, history and stories about the family, pages about village in Alsace, photos of course, and links to websites of other family members.

The families Cerf from Germany and Bollwiller in Alsace, Dreyfus from Zimmersheim and Rixheim in Alsace and Goldschmidt from Germany and Dornach in Alsace are the main branches on my father's side, Yvan Cerf, that I traced back to the 17th century. The Graber family from Sigriswil in Switzerland and Koenigsberg in East Prussia is of my mother’s side, Hilde Graber, which I followed up to the 16th century. It was difficult to find credible data from the late 1500 and 1600 years but I succeeded thanks to the help of many wonderful people. I also added to my trees the data that I found about the families who joined ours, you will find all the names on the genealogy pages.  

Regarding the Zakine family from my husband's side, Dov Zakine from Tunis and France, I collected information through official documents, the archives in Paris and memories of family members.  It is very difficult to find more information without traveling to Tunisia, perhaps one day I will be able to get there and add a few more generations for our descendants.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you can email me and I will be happy to answer you. If you have corrections or information that is not in my genealogy pages I would be delighted if you could send it to me so that it can be corrected or added to my trees. 

Most of the pages are in French, my appologies for this, I will try to translate what I can when I can, I just need some more free time to do it... which I don't have right now!

I wish you a lot of fun for your visit!

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Last update

August 26, 2016